The Supervisory Committee has sent ballots to emails. PLEASE BE SURE TO CHECK YOUR EMAIL FOR YOUR BALLOT TO VOTE IN BRANCH ELECTION ! General Body Meeting Date: 12/12/2020 Meeting called to order: 5:34 Location: Attendees: Glenda Bubb, Sabrina Dolfinger, Vanessa Dolfinger, Claire Dowdy Ray Havey, Mary Kostenblatt, Melly Holloway I . Branch Elections National will subsidize ---Election Buddy Training was attended Dec.3 Voting Window Dec 17th 8am - Dec 23 8pm---Results would be tallied Dec. 24th Emails will be sent stating time and dates/details May 1st is the membership eligibility date---to be a candidate; 30days from the election to vote therefore anyone as of Nov 17th is allowed to vote Any position not filled ---Secretary, Assistant Sec. Assist. Treasurer, At Large Executive Committee; President can nominate someone Motion : Melly, Mary K. To h...