March 20, 2021 General Meeting Minutes
General Meeting
First item:
Developing our committees: What do members want to participate in and how can we actualize it?
At least 3 people per committee
They should have individual meetings and then bring up those concerns to the group
There are trainings available for all members through the national branch
We should have a branch goal for the year and committee goals for the year
Sit down as a branch and plan out the whole year
An email will be sent out about the committees that need to be filled
All committees should have a form they fill out to inform the branch of what they’re doing
Maybe a questionnaire sent with the committees list to see what people are passionate about
Environmental Committee
Health Committee
5 members now
Helping people get the vaccine through Corner Stone
A conversation with Dr. Mill 3/23/21
Some issues can be connected to the Environmental Committee
Education Committee
The schools in our community especially will need our help after Covid
We need a strong educational committee and to make our voices in the community heard.
Second Item: Social Media
What is going to be our online presence? What is appropriate and what do we want to put out there as the NAACP?
The history of the NAACP – famous members, historical accomplishments, etc.
Flyers with Canva – easy to learn and free
Once a week posts to social media accounts
Local photos from events
Consistency with posting is key to show people we are alive and well as a branch
Creating a G-Suite account for the branch and committees
Until we get the funds, the committee chair would pay the $12
Motion for Newburgh Highland Falls NAACP G-Suite Account for emails and website made by Sabrina: Second by Mary and Deborah Danzy
Deborah Danzy
They have a website that will assist with Covid financial hardships
There are government forms to fill out to:
Westchester medical has teamed up with the Newburgh and March 24th from 6-7pm
NAACP presentation equity task force – someone from the executive board will present about the Newburgh/ Highland Falls
President Harvey is working on a space for us to meet in the future
People need to know what the NAACP can and can’t do
On the webpage
We cannot give legal advice
Complaint needs to be in writing
180 days to file discrimination
Could the legal redress be put on the website?
What each committee CAN and CANNOT do in writing
Things we have actively going on:
Currently working with the city for the EO203 report
We are looking into partnering with the police and having monthly meetings
Not voted on by the executive committee
A motion and vote was made to collaborate with River Keepers
To help them advance the environmental justice and clean the river ways
At a stand still with a local inmate who was told he would be “the next George Floyd”
The Health Committee
Collecting names and have a relationship with the local hospital to get folks vaccinated
Potential partnering to support a fund raiser to give books to schools
There is also a chapter phone number available now and will be shared soon
Melly spoke with John Cameron about EO203
What are the racial disparities in Newburgh and how will the EO203 address these issues?
Ex: How will new police uniforms address racial disparity?
Respectfully submitted for review.-----Claire Dowdy, Assistant Secretary
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