October 2020 Newburgh Highland Falls Gen.Member Minutes


NAACP Newburgh-Highland Falls

General  Meeting

Thursday, October 10, 2020




I.               Meeting Called to Order------President Ray Harvey-------------5:38pm

II.            Prayer/Moment of Silence-----------------Bro.  Philip Howard

III.          Roll Call: Secretary-----------------Melly Holloway

Ray Harvey, Sabrina Dolfinger, Isaiah Valentine, Tamie Hollins, Anthony Grice, Philip Howard , Erik Indzonka, Patricia Santos , Ariana Laurie, Sonia Lewis, X8923, Glenda Bubb, James Hubbard, Dr. Leonard Houston,  Bro. Booker Curtis, Melly Holloway


IV.          Treasurer Report-----(As of Sept. 30, 2020) ----APPROVED

Opening Balance:        721.28                                                      

Ending Balance:       1, 135.68

Moved by: Philip Howard  Seconded Tamie Hollins


V.            Minutes----(Sent in email for reading/review)  -----APPROVED

Motion: Patricia Santos Seconded:  Tamie Hollins

VI.          Election ---- Nominating Committee ----------Tamie Hollins  and Erik Indzonka


A.    Results/Report.


1.    The Nominating Committee of the Newburgh Highland Falls Branch #2162 is pleased to submit the following nominations:

President........................Ray Harvey

First Vice President.........Kyle Conway


Assistant Secretary................Vacant

Treasurer... ............................Sabrina Dolfinger

Assistant Treasurer.................Vacant

Members of the Executive Committee ..............

  • Mary Kostenblatt
  • Richard Rosencrans
  • Isaiah Valentine


Floor was open for additional nominations---Pres, 1s VP, Second VP, Secretary, Assist. Secretary, Treasurer, Assist. Treasurer, Executive Committee----No additional nominations were put forward.

Secretary certifies and those nominated are in good standing.


B.    Process Update

1.      Needed to changed date of a member-in-good-standing from July 31, to May 1, 2020.  If there is no person in that position, the EC nominates and approves position.  If an EC position the President can appointment after the installation of those elected.

2.     Sent out the form for people to sign.  The Chair people of the Nominating Committee is Tamie and Erik.

3.     Report will be finalized (October 10, 2020).

Motion From Executive Committee 10/8/2020:  To change the time for voting from 4 hours to November 13, 14, and 15th , 2020 to give all the general membership time to cast their vote.  Made Kyle Conway , Seconded Tanika McCollough----APPROVED

Motions:    Chair Erik put forward the report to be accepted. 

Seconded :Phil Howard-------APPROVED

President---Received approved the report.


“The floor is now open for further nominations for the office of President. The Nominating

Committee has nominated Ms. A. Are there any other nominations for the office of

President?”….and other offices were called for nomination.

4.     NAACP has purchased for the Branches Election Buddy for General Body approval.

5.     Speeches in support of candidates

Motion:  That Election Buddy is used for the upcoming election 2020.  Made: :Patricia Seconded: Luisa. ------APPROVED ALL


C.   Election of The Election Supervisory Committee (ESC)

·      Patricia Santos

·      Erik Indzonka

·      Sonia Lewis

·      Lisa Ruiz

·      Tamie Hollins

Motion:  To except the above to serve on the ESC. Sabrina, Seconded Melly---APPROVED


VII.        President Report—

A.   Candidate Partnership with Citizen’s Foundation. October 19th and October 22, 2020

1.     Meeting coming up to decide which questions will be used:   FYI---

a.     What is their position on environmental racism? 

b.     What have they done to ensure environmental racism does not persist or exist? 

c.     How will they promote culturally responsive education in the classroom? 

d.     How do they plan on promoting gender equality in pay? 

e.     What is their position on ending quantified immunity?

f.      What steps are they taking to ensure equitable access to education,  especially during remote learning?

g.     Where do you stand on gentrification and the lack of quality affordable housing in our city?

h.     Easier/better access to testing faculties. 

i.      Ensuring food security/access to supplies for high risk populations. 

j.      Definitely questions about remote learning and how it disproportionately affects the community. 

k.     Water in Newburgh and Region---What are you doing about replacing in infrastructure of pipes in people’s homes?  And What is the avenue for the people who have been tested and found to have the carcinogens in their systems ? 

Call water department to test water in individual homes.  

     j.  What happened to the $250,000.00 to set up a program  with Local 17, for a pre-apprentice program to be a part of a trade union ---JOBS.   (Infrastructure Bill would/could include this and assure inclusion of  __________________, the intended for the grant.


Additions ---Please submit in the chat or  Email:naacpnewburghhighlandfalls@gmail.com. Put DEBATE in the subject.

Motion from Executive Committee:  For Kyle Conway to speak regarding Valley Central Parents For Social Justice community

·      to address, prevent, and correct multiple incidents of racial injustice, racial inequity, and racially offensive incidents that have occurred at the school. 

·      to a press conference on Friday October 9th, 2020, @4:00pm outside the Valley Central School District Office, at 944 State Route 17K, Montgomery, NY 12549

     Sonia:  Ray and Kyle both attended

   Press Conference was called due to racial incidents within the school district. School District has been unresponsive.  Lisa: Hiring practices are also being found to be discriminatory.  Applicants are not being included in process. 

Motion made:  Melly, Seconded Curtis, , Sabrina ---APPROVED


VIII.     Standing Committee Reports--- Committee Chairs to write a couple of sentences about activities during the month to be shared with members

A.    (To Be added)

IX.          Issues/Actions/Topics: 

A.   Census------ Extended until the end of the month Currently ~46.5% --More canvassing will continue.

B.    EO #203 Update: 

1.       Meetings are 1st and 3rd Tuesday’s


I.              That WE  as the NAACP support  Ray Harvey as the Chairperson of the EO#203 Committee and strongly and unwaveringly support the initiatives coming out his leadership.

Moved:  Philip Howard and Malvina Holloway. Seconded: Sabrina---------APPROVED


·       Membership—(For next meeting) 

Meeting adjourned:    7:22pm

Respectfully submitted,

Malvina (Melly) Holloway


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