November 14, 2020 General Meeting Minutes



Welcome !   

(Please note: More Branch election information to come.)

General Body Meeting Minutes/Agenda


Date: November 14, 2020

Meeting called to order:   5:35pm      


Prayer: Mother Lillie Howard

Location: Virtual

Attendees:  Ray Harvey, Tami Hollins, Lillie Howard, Mary Kostenbatt,

 Erik Indzonka, Mary Wagner, Richie Rosencrans, Melly  Holloway

Minutes (reading/corrections/additions):  (To be approved)

Treasurer’s Report-----Erik and Mary----APPROVED

  Starting balance:  $1135.68

     Deposits                     60.00

    Withdrawals             145.00

    Ending Bal -----------944.15

Agenda Items:

  1. Branch Election-----Melly  and Supervisory Committee

  1.  Election Buddy--Dec 3, 2020,   for election Jan. 2021

  2.  Mailed ballots would be used

  3. Supervisory Meeting --- Meeting to be scheduled---11/15/2020  10:30am

   Motion:  Format of Election:  Mail in ballots for branch election ---Tami , Erik--APPROVED

   Motion: Election date---TABLED

  1. EO#203  Update--Ray

    Thursday we had a meeting.  It was heated:  Member has resigned as a result. I am still waiting for >>> 

       Website, Community Forums,Transparency,  Technology support, Changing the culture of the police department


Called for suggestions : Disscussion

* Name change: City of Newburgh EO203 Commission (not the Police Advisory)

*Meeting audio varies

*Concerns about City cooperation expressed

*Need to tell the state that the mandate is not being used 

*How can we help? 

*Clarification points about what EO#203 covers 

*Whether retired personnel could be helpful

*That those areas effected by what happens concerns all surrounding Newburgh as well--New Windsor, Highland Falls

*Efforts to build bridges with officer using music is happening 

*All people in meeting should be visible

*Police chief is controlling he meeing

*Agenda is not visible

*Accomplishments are not shared



Motion:  NAACP EO#203 update is to be made to the NYS (Director of the Division of the Budget) and all such that are connected with supporting and approving a resulting action plan, about our concern to “be on track”  to have ready an action plan as directed by EO#203 , April 1, 2021.  --APPROVED

   Concerns include:

  • NAACP Chair Ray Harvey has not received materials asked for more than a month ago (i.e. Response for a Website  for public was from the police chief, and that he could not make one. People are interrupted when speaking; which is

  • Community forums have not been held as promised by City Manager

  • Input and feedback is not being supported (i.e. when asked about people communicating with the EO#203 Commission , the police chief informs that people can email him

  • Materials provided by NAACP Newburgh HF for use are not incorporated into meetings


    Respectfully submitted,

    M. Holloway 



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