September and August 2020 Newburgh Highland Falls Minutes
Highlighted Minutes from September2020 and August 2020 follow:
September 12, 2020
President Ray Harvey with Maria Patrizio, Family Court Judge Candidate
NAACP Newburgh Highland Falls
General Meeting.
Meeting Called to Order--- Called to order 5:39pm
Members: Ray Harvey,President, Sabrina Dolfinger, Treasurer; Lisa Ruiz, Erik Indonzka, Tamie Hollins, Melly Holloway,Media Diversity/Technology & Acting Secretary... Friend(s)/Interested--Ulysee Huling
Prayer/Moment of silence
Treasurer Report---
As of Aug. 809.57
Dep. --------90.00
Bal. 721.28
President Update---
Ray expressed concern about survey with recommendations. Please reach out to me to improve police department. Conversation about giving “teeth” to the EO 203
EO 203:
City gave/Ray asked for 3 policies to consider for changes for the safety of everyone. We are going to review all the policies. These are just the first three ---
· Responses to resistance
· Warrants
· Vehicle Pursuit
Ask about were the specific questions about the use of the
· New York State Police Reform and Reinvention Collaborative Resource Guide—from NYS
· The President’s Task Force On 21st Century Policing –from NAACP
Engagement guidelines from Newburgh NAACP were assembled and sent to Councilman
Grice who was in the last general meeting
Also asked about specific questions:
· What is the police budget?
· What is the budget in relationship to the city budget?
· How is budget used for for the services needed?
· How are people hired to provide the needed services.
· Including :
Orange County Citizens Foundation
Census Update----43.8% Newburgh Counted
- Census work continues
Voting and Legislative Process:
- 9/26/2020 ----Vote for Justice ! Voter Registration Mobilization Rally
Executive Order #203:
· 10/6/2020----(Next meeting)
· Meetings are to be held 1st and 3rd Tuesdays at 6pm
Tami Hollis expressed the need for accountability, and expressed thanks for the work being done. Also that having more members be involved to share the work. Whether we are in good standing as a Branch was also asked.
Ray made clear the value of more people working together.
Sabrina also explained how offices are all open. Scan the nominating form and return as an attachment.
Sabrina, and Melly confirmed that we are in compliance.
Sabrina provided that this is a different Executive Committee, and are not dwelling on the past. Building membership and financial strength to be listened to. Melly informed that monthly reports are sent, and there are weekly meetings attended with Regional that Ray attends. Our being in touch with the AG , is work that has been galvanizing. Also,Membership portal will be used with National. A lot has been happening in the last 4 months.
Lisa Ruiz: Is there a way to expand were the Branch is covered to include villages. Recognized is that members are live in different towns. Using a piece of media to use with people that would be interested. Getting new members outside Newburgh area.
Sabrina: If you work or work within an area according to the ByLaws you are able to join.
From Citizens Foundations, Nancy Proyect, President:
Dear Mr. Harvey,
I am the Executive Director of the Orange County Citizens Foundation, a nonprofit that has worked to improve lives for Orange County residents for about 50 years through infrastructure improvements, better planning, and public policy. Each election cycle, we hold debates that are open to the public for NYS Senate candidates, US Congressional candidates, and County Executive. We have invited co-sponsors in the past including the OC Arts Council, Leadership Orange, SUNY Orange, OC Land Trust, OC Partnership, and the Times Herald-Record. In an effort to better understand and represent the needs and concerns of all the people in our communities, we’d like to discuss co-sponsoring the debates this year with the NAACP. Please let me know if you’d to talk or meet to discuss. I look forward to hearing from you.
Motion: To accept offer to work with Orange County Citizen's Foundation a non profit as a partner to plan and facilitate candidate debates New York state senate, congressional , and county executive candidates . Melly , Sabrina---PASSED
Lisa Ruiz--Volunteered to work with this effort.
Motion: To make as a practice new members to receive NAACP Bylaws , Constitution and Handbook access. Tamie, Lisa---. PASSED
Education issue of students not having internet continues to be an issue for attention.
Topic: NACCP Branch Election Process: October
Nominating Committee Process
Lisa Ruiz
Courtney Moore
Erik Indzonka
Tamie Hollins
Sabrina Dolfinger
Melly Holloway
(Since the General meeting): Committee will to meet Sept. 27th
Process to be forwarded to members for nominating and supporting nominations. Committee recognizes that we are in a pandemic and seeks to limit the exposure risk while facilitating
elections of officers.
EO 203 Link for meeting to be shared but should be on the city calendar. Oct. 6th next meeting. 1st and 3rd Tues. of every month stating in Octover
Meeting adjorned: 7:37 pm
Respectfully submitted, (for corrections and additions)
M. Holloway
NAACP Newburgh-Highland Falls
General Meeting
Saturday, August 15th, 2020
Time: August 15 2020 05:30 -7pm EST
Meeting Called to Order---------------5:37pm--------------------Sabrina
Prayer/Moment of silence------------------------------------------------ Melly
Roll Call: Acting Secretary-----------Melly Holloway
Welcome to new members-------------------Sabrina
Minutes--- July 11, 2020 General Minutes-------------Melly Holloway
June 13th 2020 General minutes ---------------Melly Holloway
Treasurer Report--------------------APPROVED---------------Sabrina Dolfinger
Beginning Balance: 1038.65
Debits: 535.98---
(Census Grant –Used funds for census supplies and (6) gift cards, masks , Sunday fun day)
Ending Balance: 809.57 (Aug. 13th, 2020)
President Update--------------------------------------------Ray Harvey
Police Community Relations & Advisory Review Board--
Richie provided some clarification different from EO#203
A. Grice—New people appointed/accepted
PCRARB—Ray Harvey will be the Chair. Sabrina: Our concern that powers are also something that the Advisory Board ….The Board has been in existence with no power. We want to make sure they are joined. That the advisory board has power to make change.
We reduced members to 7 on the PCRARB.
Council member Grice: I want to take away the complaint process from the police and have it more….
To receive a bullet list of what would address a committee that includes the community
I. Census---------
To date: Newburgh hovers at 41%
· August 22, 2020---Promoting NAACP and Census at Laundromat South & Liberty Street corner
A. Protest :
II. COVID-----
III. A. Legislative/Policy----NYS Police Reform & Reinvention Collaborative. Executive Order no. 203
a. Led (2) Coalescing Meetings regarding: EO#203 with other community
Groups Connected with City of Newburgh Manager for NAACP for future
meetings /actions during the year
b. Supported protests within Newburgh for Police reform /reinvention
B. Issue Follow up---
1. Attorney General’s Office:
Attorney General At Large
Thu, Jul 23, 9:25 PM |
Ms. Holloway, Thank you again for your inquiry. In answer to your letter, the Attorney General’s Office has not given specific guidance on Executive Order 203. In addition, our office is not in a position to give the City of Newburgh or the NAACP specific advice on how to fulfill the Executive Order, though we appreciate the request. Sincerely, Vinita Kamath | Assistant Attorney General In Charge Office of the New York State Attorney General | Poughkeepsie Regional Office 1 Civic Center Plaza, Suite 401 | Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 T: 845-485-3910 | |
3. City of Newburgh Manager-- Meeting July 29th was a follow-up
4. --- Working for a Justice for Us Coalescing Organizations:
5. Council Meeting : Next council meeting:
c. Voting/Elections: EARLY VOTING (needed)
d. Voting ----Early------- ----------------------------- ( )
Richie Rosencrans
Mary Kostenblatt
Sabrina Dolfinger
Anthony Grice
Sonia Lewis
SITE #1----City of Newburgh Activity Center
401 Washington St., Newburgh, NY
Voters: City of Newburgh, Town of Newburgh, New Windsor
1 Clinton St, Cornwall, NY
Voters: Cornwall, Highlands, Woodbury, Blooming Grove
B. Registering ---Click on “Registering” to print form, fill out and mail.
e. Branch
· Election timeline ---Sabrina: Coming up rapidly
Every 2 years we have elections. This year is elections! Interested? And a member in good standing will receive a notice of the process for participation.
Education: Sabrina: Schools will be opening and we want them to do so safely. We need to make sure parents and kids are held accountable AND that staff and teachers are held accountable and doing right by students. Need to remind the union that parents have a lot going as well
Motion: That there is a NAACP NBHF model/proposal that can be used to assure student/parents are connected and how for learning (access with instruction) using virtual or real time education formats as they are rolled out in this difficult time. Included is the focus on safety with health care/nurses professionals to keep students as safe as we are able. (second: Mary and Richie)
Sonia is on school board in Valley Central. Not everybody has internet access and have other obligations. What was developed has everybody in the same …..How are people being left out
Anthony Grice---Dan Shapley, RiverKeeper. –Having the NAACP protecting our water shed and those activities to explore. Second: Luisa
Reports -----------------(To Be shared)------Committee Chairs and Officers
Education: --------------------------------Tanika McCullough
Community Engagement----Kyle Conway
Health -------------------------Darcel Turner-Green
Media Diversity/Tech-------------Melly
Old/Ongoing Business:
· Memberships ---Membership Page Update your membership information as needed
· Communications and Networks --- To use/view website please CLICK HERE
· Bylaws---Voting members------------------Sabrina
Building memberships : 8new members; 1 renewal during June.
New Business:
Media Diversity/Technology July 2020 – August 31st WRITTEN REPORT
Malvina Holloway
I. Dates of Meetings/Activity:
● 7/7/2020 -- Call Ray 50 min.---Reviewed Bylaws; water to be donated by George Fraiser from Hoop Express; census labels discussed
----Called NAACP offices Gloria Benfield re: membership LM
7pm-------Regional weekly call meeting attended reviewed
8:30pm---Protest by Nu VOTERS scheduled July 13th ;agenda edited, EC agreement to support started and confirmed within 48 hours
● 7/8/2020--Documented Regional meeting sequence of point of order
~10am ---Call with Juanita Lewis
---Drafted General Discrimination Form for EC review
● 7/9/2020---EC meeting
● 7/10/2020--2:24--Call with Kyle--Added as editor to FB; Discussed Marketing and Membership; Talking points feedback on website for use. Chester United, Mothers of Montgomery
--PM--Follow-up emails with potential coalescing groups
4pm--Make A Difference meeting with Kobie --Re: workspace channels for organizations to have a specific cross organizational workspace
5:15pm--Meeting with Sabrina --Raffle for Census format discussed---
PM--Form for coalescing documentation drafted; Work session for EC planned
● 7/11/2020--Census--Label designed--to be used on baggies and water bottles; With Sabrina---- ordering and logistics
---Other organizations added for interest in EO#203 work
Monthly Report sent
Meeting docs forwarded to Julie Nichols
Talking points arranged with Richie Rosencrans
----Printing materials for Protest
● 7/13/2020-----Protest in Newburgh
AM--23min. Call with Ann Sullivan
12min. Richie Rosencrans
● Fracking info from Julie (weekly meeting) forwarded
● 7/14/2020---7pm Weekly Regional meeting
8pm Meeting with Wilbur
● 7/15/202--Meeting with Kobie Thomas (Make A Difference)
5:39--Debrief about Protest. Wilbur followup ; Recruiting Secretary, Membership Chair, and need for mailbox key to be reclaimed
-------Ernest Klepers Director from Rep.Maloney office engaged to help with response from J. Donat.
● 7/17/2020---43min.Call with Kyle; Nubian Gun Club leader contact
---Email from City of Newburgh City Manager received for NAACP to meet
● 7/18/2020----8/3/2020 st-----Emails regarding Pleasant Valley Protest received(and/or responding to ) with ~17 formal complaints
------phone call with Luisa Fuentes, video shared by organizer (and found on FB)
● 7/20/2020---Ray call (71 min.) --Discussed Letters , PV and Regional response, videos, and possible podcast opportunity to change attitudes for participation and team for EO#203
● 7/21/2020---Called Kevin Halcott--(~10min)
“ Luisa Fuentes (33 min)--State police and post protest updates
● 7/22/2020-----Kyle phone call (75min.) to post Chester experience and speak about “This is what democracy looks like “ vs what happened in PV
-----Wilbur call (9min.)provided Elouise Maxey contact info.
1:27 pm -Ray (52min)call--Sat. to be in Beacon
Confirmed EO#203 NAACP team
● 7/23/2020----Called NAACP Baltimore (Call with Sabrina and National merged) ; mand Ray phone call to confirm July 29 and 30th availability and Highland Falls EO#203 (?)
-----Response from Attorney Gen. at Large Vinita Kamath received
● 7/24/2020 ---Ray call--Incident with Nephew for followup , to meet him during weekend for complaint; Double Dutch organized by Ray and Omari: Every Sun 4-8pm NAACP with Nu VOTERS
------Email from Sen. Schumer’s office to attend Stewart Restoration Advisory Committee (7/29/2020)meeting
● 7/25/2020--Shared to Kyle, Community Chair, membership list for use
--Picked up banner from Gabrielle
--Marbles Raffle for Census completed
● 7/26/2020--Audrey Carey Park Census and Double Dutch--snapped pics, jumped roped, and found membership interest
● 7/28/2020--Membership appeal
--Hosted Zoom meeting for NAACP EO#203 strategy and
clarification of message with team preparing for 7/30 meeting
● 7/29/2020---Meeting with City of Newburgh for follow-up about :
*EO#203 Community leadership role with City
* “Several” Critical Steps already taken by City
*April 23rd letter follow-up
● 8/1/2020---Census with Sabrina
● 8/3/2020 --August report on time (finally) for first time!!!!
---Complaint doc shared with Elouise Maxey North Dutchess NAACP, Regional Director Wilbur Aldridge, and Pres. NBHF Ray Harvey
II. Social Media:
YouTube Channel:
Other References :
· Letter to City Manager
June 8, 2020 Addressing City Council —Ray
June 8, 2020 Addressing City Council ---Melly
· To take the 2020Census online CLICK HERE or Call: English: 844-330-2020
Spanish: 844-468-2020
TDD: 844-467-2020
Respectfully submitted, (for corrections and additions)
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